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Fall Cleanup and Checks

October 6, 2011

Well it’s that time of year.  And as Dean Martin used to sing, “Baby, it’s cold outside”.  That means a whole new way of looking at our landscaping.  First of all we have to remember our “Rule Of Thumb” for watering and that is, when the outside temp is above 85 to 90 degrees we never water in the daytime and when the temps outside are below 75 to 80 never water at night.  Following this simple rule will bring about the results in the spring that we want.  It is also a good time to do a good system check, make sure we have no leaks, soggy ground around one or more of the lawn heads, spray bug killer inside the valve box’s, and reprogramming the timer.  Remember, with regards to our landscaping, what we do today will not be seen for about 30 to 60 days.  Let’s start getting ready for our gardens for next year by pulling weeds and doing general cleanup of the landscape now, which will do wonders for the look of our property.  And always, have fun at what you are doing. Also visit our... [More]

Tags: fall, sprinkler system check, weeds

Posted at: 03:39 PM | Permalink

Time to Prune

February 14, 2011

February is the best time to prune in Pahrump. Other things are not a priority right now, so let's get at it.

Because nutrients are presently in the root systems of most plants, there will be less "bleeding" when we prune. And because the weather is cooler, there are fewer insects, fungus etc to infest your pruned areas.

Now remember, you don't just start cutting hither and yon with no plan. There is a broad spectrum of pruning techniques from doing nothing to very formal, even pruning into shapes of animals, etc. If you like a jungle type yard, then you won't have much to do. However, if you have fertilized and things are shooting out, you may have to do some minimal pruning. Formal pruning takes much more time and upkeep throughout the year, so decide which you like. You can do anything inbetween as well.

There are some pruning principles you will do well to keep in mind as you start. Scot Troter calls them the four D's: dead, diseased, damaged and danger. (Thanks to Scot of Rockscapes of Nevada.)

  1. DEAD: If it is dead or dying, remove it because dying plants attract insects, which can be deadly....

Tags: pruning, spring pruning

Posted at: 10:19 AM | Permalink

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